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The Crime and Justice Public Opinion Lab

School of Criminology & Criminal Justice

University of Nebraska at Omaha

The Crime and Justice Public Opinion Lab (CJPOL) in the UNO School of Criminology and Criminal Justice tracks public beliefs, attitudes, and opinions on a broad range of crime, law, and justice related issues. These include beliefs about the nature of crime and victimization, attitudes toward people who commit crime, attitudes about victims of crime, and opinions on laws, policies, and practices across the criminal legal system. The CJPOL is a student-centered endeavor, focused on creating research and education opportunities for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students who are interested in learning more about public opinion, the factors that influence public opinion, and the methodologies used in public opinion research. 

Racial Attitudes and Criminal Justice Policy

Crime and Justice: A Review of Research (Vol. 50)


Francis T. Cullen, Leah C. Butler, & Amanda Graham

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